Navigating The World Of Autism In Adulthood

Imagine living in a world where the rules of social engagement seem like a foreign language, where sensory experiences can be overwhelmingly intense or curiously muted, and where the ordinary is seen through an extraordinary lens. This is the world of an adult with autism, a neurological condition that doesn’t fade with childhood but continues to shape and color adult life.

In this article, we delve into the nuanced experiences of adults with autism, exploring the challenges they face, the strengths they possess, and the journey toward understanding and acceptance in a society that’s just beginning to recognize their unique perspectives.

Join us as we unravel autism in adulthood, offering insights, stories, and hope for a more inclusive future.


Early Signs And Diagnosis

The journey towards understanding autism often starts early in life, yet it’s not uncommon for the diagnosis to come later for some. Early signs might include challenges in social interaction, such as difficulty understanding social cues or forming connections with peers. Communication hurdles are also prevalent, where a child might have delayed speech development or struggle with conventional language use.

These early signs, however, can vary greatly in intensity and form, making autism a complex condition to identify promptly. In many cases, adults receive a diagnosis later in life, which can be a pivotal moment of self-discovery and clarity, providing context to their life experiences.

Challenges Faced By Adults With Autism

Navigating the adult world with autism presents a unique set of challenges that can significantly impact daily life.


One of the most prominent challenges faced by adults diagnosed with autism is navigating social interaction and communication. Many find it difficult to interpret social cues, eye contact, and body language, leading to misunderstandings and feelings of isolation.

This challenge extends to both personal and professional settings, impacting relationships and career opportunities.


Securing and maintaining employment is another significant hurdle. Adults with autism often encounter barriers in the workplace, such as:

  • A lack of understanding from employers and colleagues
  • Difficulties in adapting to unstructured or socially demanding environments

This can result in underemployment or unemployment in later life, impacting financial independence and self-esteem.


Many adults with autism experience heightened or reduced sensitivity to sensory inputs like sound (even from just talking), light, or touch. Navigating a world not designed with these sensitivities in mind can be overwhelming and exhausting, affecting daily activities and quality of life.


Mental health is a critical area of concern. Higher rates of anxiety, depression, and stress-related disorders are reported among adults with autism. These challenges often stem from the difficulties faced in:

  • Social interactions
  • Professional life
  • Sensory management

The complexities of daily living and independence, such as managing personal finances, household tasks, and healthcare, can pose significant challenges. These tasks require a level of organization and planning that can be daunting for some adults with autism.


Strengths And Abilities

Despite these challenges, adults with autism possess a wealth of strengths and abilities that are often overlooked.


Adults with autism often possess unique perspectives and ways of thinking, leading to innovative problem-solving and creativity. Their ability to see the world differently can be a substantial asset in various fields, from technology and science to being a health professional, to arts and literature.


A common strength among many adults with autism is their exceptional attention to detail. This ability can be particularly advantageous in fields that require precision and meticulousness, such as:

  • Data analysis
  • Programming
  • Artistic endeavors

Many individuals with autism have the ability to focus deeply on subjects of interest, often leading to a high level of expertise in specific areas. This intense focus can result in significant research contributions to their field of interest or profession.


A characteristic often valued in personal and professional relationships is an example of the high level of honesty and integrity that many adults with autism display. This straightforward approach to communication can foster trust and respect in various interactions.


A strong sense of justice and fairness is frequently observed in individuals with autism. This trait drives them to advocate not only for themselves but also for others, particularly in social situations, where they perceive inequality or injustice.

Navigating Relationships And Social Life

For adults with autism, navigating the complex world of relationships and social life can be particularly challenging, yet rewarding. Many adults with autism develop unique ways to connect and communicate, forging meaningful relationships based on honesty, shared interests, and genuine connection.


The realm of romantic relationships often brings additional challenges for autistic women, including expressing emotions and understanding the dynamics of intimacy and personal space.

However, when navigated successfully, these relationships can offer profound companionship and understanding.


Friendships, too, can be an area of growth and fulfillment for autistic people. Adults with autism may find friendships that are deeply rooted in shared interests or activities. These relationships can provide a comforting sense of stability and reliability.


Family dynamics are another crucial aspect of social life. Family members may play a significant role in providing support and understanding. Nurturing these relationships can lead to a strong support network that is invaluable in navigating the broader social world.


Furthermore, many adults with autism find solace and community in online platforms and forums, where they can connect with others who share similar experiences and challenges. These digital communities can provide a sense of belonging and a safe space for expression.

Employment And Career Development

Employment and career development for adults with autism is an area laden with both challenges and opportunities. Finding a job that not only accommodates but also values the unique abilities of an individual with autism can be a significant hurdle.


When their abilities are recognized and harnessed, adults with autism can excel in their chosen fields. They often thrive in roles that involve detailed work, consistency, and a high level of specialization. Industries such as information technology, engineering, the arts, and data analysis can be particularly suitable. Integrating technology in autism education only further bolsters their potential in these fields.


Workplace accommodations are essential for success. This may include:

  • Flexible working hours
  • A quiet workspace
  • Clear and structured communication with employers and colleagues

When these accommodations are in place, adults with autism can not only perform effectively but also contribute unique perspectives and skills.


Navigating Mental Health Challenges

Mental health is a significant aspect of life for adults with autism, often intertwined with the unique challenges and experiences they face.

Many individuals on the autism spectrum experience higher rates of mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and stress-related disorders.

Importance Of Recognizing And Addressing Mental Health

Recognizing and addressing these mental health challenges is crucial. It requires a holistic approach that encompasses both understanding the specific needs of adults with autism and providing access to appropriate mental health care.

Tailored therapeutic interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness practices, can be particularly effective in helping individuals manage their mental health.

Coping Strategies

Developing coping strategies is an essential part of fostering mental well-being. This might include:

  • Routine-based strategies that help mitigate stress
  • Techniques for managing sensory overload
  • Practices that encourage emotional regulation

Many adults with autism also find solace in hobbies and interests that provide a sense of calm and focus.

Social Support Networks

Social support networks play a pivotal role in mental health. Support from family, friends, and communities can provide a sense of belonging and understanding, which is vital for emotional well-being.

Additionally, peer support groups, both in-person and online, offer a space where individuals can share experiences and coping strategies, and feel a sense of community.

Professional Mental Health Services

Access to professional mental health services tailored to the needs of adults with autism is crucial. These services should include therapists and counselors who understand the unique aspects of autism and can offer guidance and support in a way that is respectful and effective.

Self-Care And Wellness

Promoting self-care and wellness is also key to maintaining mental health. This includes:

  • Regular physical activity
  • A balanced diet
  • Adequate sleep
  • Time for relaxation and leisure

Activities such as yoga, meditation, and creative arts can be beneficial in promoting mental and emotional balance.

Advocacy And Awareness

Finally, advocacy and awareness about the mental health needs of adults with autism are essential. Increased public understanding can lead to better support systems and reduce the stigma associated with mental health challenges.

By promoting a more inclusive and understanding society, adults with autism can receive the support they need in order to cope and manage their mental health effectively.

To Wrap Up

As we conclude this exploration into the lives of adults with autism, it becomes evident that their journey is not just one of challenges, but also of remarkable resilience and unique contributions. Autism in adulthood is a spectrum of experiences, where each individual paints their own distinct picture of life. It’s a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the overlooked can become a source of profound insight.

Our society stands on the brink of a greater understanding and acceptance of autism, propelled by the voices and experiences of those who live it every day. By embracing diversity and fostering inclusive environments, we can unlock the potential that lies within this vibrant community. The story of autism in adulthood is not just about navigating challenges; it’s about recognizing and celebrating the diverse tapestry of human experience.

Let us move forward with empathy and support, creating a world where every individual, autistic or not, can flourish and contribute their unique melody to the symphony of human life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does autism affect adult life?
How do autistic adults behave?
Can autism show up in adulthood?
Can adults with autism live a normal life?
What are the 12 signs of autism in adults?
What does level 1 autism look like?
How do autistic adults show love?
How do autistic adults talk?
Do autistic adults feel love?
What are the 3 main symptoms of autism in adults?
What are the 10 signs of autism in adults?
What are the 3 main causes of autism?
Can an autistic person love?
Who is the longest living autistic person?
Can people with autism talk?

Applied Behavior Analysis Application Overview

What is Applied Behavior Analysis? Let’s talk about it here.

therapy used for autism awareness

Can it help analyze behavioral issues such as those related to autism spectrum disorders or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Does it help instill positive actions through positive reinforcement and behavior modification? Young autistic children are faced with challenges in their everyday life. With their existing developmental disorders and poor social skills, early intensive intervention is the best way to go for them. One effective treatment that could be very beneficial is ABA.

Why Is It Preferred Over Other Therapeutic Methods For Autism?

In retrospect, autism therapy is not just composed of one specific type of treatment for producing positive behaviors and social skills but is usually a collection of ABA principles and procedures that targets specific autistic behaviors. It is, however, important to note that ABA was created decades ago and is just one of the numerous types of therapies that are offered to children who are on the autism spectrum. Currently, it is considered the therapy from which all other treatments were derived and is commonly known in the therapeutic field for its positive reinforcement strategies. It is a major approach that is the origin of several other approaches. Due to a certain number of reasons, applied behavior analysis is the most renowned and suggested autism spectrum therapy. These reasons are:

Autism Speaks, the largest Autism related charity in the United States, recommends ABA for children on the autism spectrum.

Applied Behavior Analysis

  1. Behavior Analysis Has Been Around For Ages

It is a derivative of behaviorism. Behaviorism was an old approach that was created in the 1920s by the behavior analyst, B.F. Skinner was contemplated to be the most significant American psychologist during that time. Due to the outgrowth, It became the most well-understood and well-established strategy among others, though it is gentler, and more broad-ranging than behaviorism.

  1. ABA Therapy Was Given Sufficient Focus

Programs for ABA were intensively investigated for the past few decades. ABA has become the basis for reference since it has established clear and measurable objectives that achieve positive outcomes, and is carried out and practiced in the same manner by an ABA therapist.

  1. Training For Applied Behavior Analysis Is Simple

Due to ABA therapists utilizing the study of behavior similarly, it is relatively more straightforward to train specific individuals for the behavioral strategies to be implemented. Usually, ABA programs are widely developed by a trained and board-certified behavior analyst; however, registered behavior technicians can be assigned to execute the technique.

The Efficacy of Behavior Therapy for Children on The Autism Spectrum

  1. ABA Is Effective In Managing Problematic Behavior

The ABA therapist identifies that children who are on the autism spectrum exhibit specific behaviors which are dissimilar, and there will be moments wherein the responses shown are bordering on the challenging side much like aggression and self-destruction or abuse. This analysis is often recognized as an efficient method to minimize such adverse, injurious problem behaviors and at the same time, encourage desired behavior. Autism Speaks, the largest Autism related charity in the United States, recommends ABA for children on the autism spectrum.

  1. Measurement Of Success Is Made Achievable

The reason that this analysis is set on specific, concrete objectives, measuring success has been comparatively more accessible than other therapeutic processes, making ABA the gold standard in autism therapy. Questioning whether ABA is the more effective solution does not emerge because complexities arise when comparing methods head-to-head.


Behavioral Approach- The Best Type of Autism Therapy (Recommended By ABA therapy experts)

ABA therapists adept with ABA work hard in building desirable and appropriate behaviors while ending unacceptable ones. More often than not, children who are on the autism spectrum have difficulty in cultivating specific desirable target behavior such as social interactions (social skills), communication skills, executing eye contact, and so much more. On the other hand, some of the unwanted behaviors that are focused on and eliminated by the aba procedures are kicking, flapping, spinning, or hitting.

Final Thoughts

Due to the positive reinforcement and effectiveness of applied behavioral analysis (aba techniques) in dealing with behavior change and the abovementioned issues, applied behavior analysis has been considered the best type of autism therapy for years and is widely used by autism therapists around the world.


What Are The 3 Principles Of Applied Behavior Analysis?

What Are The 4 Defining Characteristics Of This Technique?

What Are Some Examples Of This Analysis?

Is Behavioral Analysis Good For Autism?

What Kind Of Behavior Does Applied Behavioral Analysis Focus On?

What Is The Major Purpose Of The ABA Program?

What Are The Five Components Of ABA?

What Are The Three Types Of ABA?

Can ABA Be Used For ADHD?

What Activities Are Done In ABA Therapy?

Why Are People Interested In ABA?

What Is ABA Used For?

How Do People Feel About ABA?

How Is ABA Used In Everyday Life?

How Effective Is ABA Therapy?

Ways That Therapy Can Benefit ASD Parents


Parenting a child who is autistic may be one of the most fulfilling yet daunting things that some parents will ever go through. I know because I have been a therapist to one too many kids on the spectrum – and me being a parent of a 10-year-old daughter who is on the spectrum as well.

Many of the people I have helped and guided throughout my practice frequently asked me how I could do it as if I possess some magic weapon or special talent that they do not have. I, too, had my own path in therapy – as an individual in therapy – that enabled me the most and helped me learn the skills, I was required to have to go through this challenge. That personal journey was also the reason why I chose to be the therapist that I am today.

As parents to ASD children, we become proficient at investigating, seeking, and paying all the appropriate therapies for our kids, although we are also inclined to set aside our very own needs. To survive and thrive on this parenting path that we are now navigating, finding professional assistance may be beneficial at one point or another.

Below are some important ways that therapy can benefit parents with children who are on the spectrum.

Parenting Abilities. Parenting an ASD child can be very distinctive from parenting a typical child. Often, there are sensory problems to consider, medical interventions, therapies, safety issues to decide on, and educational choices to make, to name a few. Almost always, these kids also come with mental health conditions and self-management complications. Parents may become confused and tremendously overwhelmed when confronted with everything.

A therapist who is trained and experienced in providing the essentials of ASD families is crucial. This mental health professional can definitely assist parents in learning how to prioritize their needs and lessen the stress and anxiety related to overwhelm. When I talk to couples with ASD kids, I often remind them that an autism diagnosis does not destroy a relationship but rather their reaction to it could.


Keeping It Strong With Your Partner. Reports have been released that kids with autism have relatively higher marital conflict and divorce rates than typical kids. That definitely comes to no surprise, as problems and stressors are commonly far worse.

Autism spectrum disorder tends to place a vivid light on whatever matters were already existing. A therapist who is aware of the continuous stress that ASD places on the whole family can assist partners in navigating the challenges and other issues while keeping the bond with your partner strong.

Keep in mind, though, that this is not something that happens overnight. It’s a process that takes patience, time, and perseverance. However, the outcomes are worth the wait. I am certain that therapy saved more than half of my marriage.

Adapting To The Diagnosis. The ASD diagnosis itself is frequently devastating for us parents. It can become a demanding process that could take a year or even more, with several consultations with various professionals. Parents are usually confronted with multiple emotions in the entire process, including guilt, fear, extreme worry, and anxiety – and too much time waiting. Numerous parents are told that their kid is not actually on the spectrum, and then you hit the dead end with more queries and answers.

No matter what the result is, truly, the pain and grief are very real. Oftentimes, knowledge of the stages of grief and the acceptance that grief is recurring somehow help parents adapt. Each individual responds differently to grief, and the way one responds has something to do tremendously with what really occurred and whether or not they have handled it efficiently. An individual might require therapeutic management such as EMDR therapy or cognitive restructuring to overcome the pain and overwhelm of the unraveled diagnosis.

Stress Control. Stress plays a suggestive role in the emergence of disease. It literally causes sickness. For us to be healthy, we have to learn ways of controlling or regulating stress effectively. The everyday stress of an ASD parent is tremendous and persistent. A therapist can help by providing a supportive hand and ear, teaching self-care skills, and substantiating parenting efforts. Therapy aims to help a person go through a tough time or be utilized regularly during the parents’ journey. I have been helping several parents place my phone number on speed dial, and others have been in therapy routinely for years while their ASD child is growing up.



Most people agree that we won’t be able to hand an empty glass, that we must don our own oxygen masks to help other people. If you are like me – a parent of an ASD child, therapy can make a big difference in the way you handle this longstanding situation that you’ve been handed. Ultimately, it is a win-win for the whole family.



Therapists’ View On Autistic Children Going To Preschool



If you have the choice of letting your autistic child stay at home just until they are mature enough to attend kindergarten, are you going to do it? Your answer will be dependent upon some vital factors, which include:

  • Your community’s provisions and open-mindedness to an autistic child
  • Your child’s preferences, needs, and challenges
  • The accessibility of school (or out-of-school) therapists at a rate that you can afford
  • The availability of a proper preschool program
  • Your personal capacity and commitment to work hand in hand with your autistic child on learning and developing social interaction skills.

Home School Advantages And Disadvantages

Advantages: Homeschooling can be suitable for preschoolers with the spectrum. It offers a secure and convenient setting that is customized to your child’s requirements, and it can be an appropriate place for tough therapy that is frequently suggested. Sensory input is controllable, and outlooks remain stable throughout the day. Numerous therapists believe that because home is a familiar setting, it is favorable for learning and that parents make the best teachers and therapists.

Play therapies like floor time and Relationship Development Intervention are commonly provided in a natural setting by parents. Specialized schools and facilities might not even have these types of platforms. If you are offering developmental therapy, then the home setting might be the most appropriate choice.

Disadvantages: Conversely, the option of home care and schooling implies that a person, most probably a parent, must be capable and willing to stay with the autistic toddler at home. So the stay-at-home parent is expected to be incapable of having a regular job, as he will not have the energy and the time to work outside of the house when he has spent most of his time caring for the autistic preschooler. In addition, most kids on the spectrum do well in a very predictable and repetitive setup. If you have other kids or an online job, homeschooling may become chaotic, loud, and erratic.


Perhaps the role of a parent as a home teacher or therapist to a child on the spectrum might not be for everybody. The role typically involves being a therapist during the day, dealing with your child’s behaviors and moods outside the home while going to the parks or when shopping, and being a case manager for the numerous medical professionals and therapists that you might now include in your life. Unfortunately, some parents can efficiently handle this type of challenge, but others find it tough, draining, and depressing.

Preschool Advantages And Disadvantages

Advantages: In numerous communities, full or partial-day preschool is accessible and often free to all families. Kids with ASD get academic guidelines as well as some in-school therapy. Many aspects also offer at least some private preschool platforms geared towards kids with special needs. A private preschool might be a good match, depending on your kid’s offerings and needs as well.

Preschools or kindergarten schools also provide a very important benefit to a group of friends and their parents, and that is quite hard to establish from scratch going up if you have a child on the spectrum.

Disadvantages: A preferable preschool setting can be wonderful, but it is also a fact that numerous preschools are far from idyllic. You might notice that your autistic child is getting very little in terms of experience or perhaps having an unpleasant experience. You may realize that the known ‘trained’ personnel are essentially teacher’s assistants who previously attended lectures on Autism Spectrum Disorder. You may also discover that other kids in your child’s circle are less disabled than your child, which makes learning and socializing difficult.

If your autistic child is at a normal preschool, despite early interventions, you might notice that normally developing kids might be less keen to reach out to your child during their school and out-of-school activities and other social events.

Final Thoughts


Regardless of your option (home school or preschool), it is vital to remember that you have the option to change your decision. In fact, you can even choose to try both. There is no definite right or wrong. The decision you make will relate most especially to your family, your place, and definitely, your child. As you take into account your decision, consider these questions:

  • What does the possible parent think about performing the function of a stay-at-home teacher of an autistic child? Would they probably feel fatigued, overwhelmed, or resentful? Or, otherwise, will they feel eager, energized, or encouraged?
  • Can you afford to have one parent stay home and not have a regular job?
  • What do the rest of your kids need? Will managing an autistic preschooler at home take too much of your time and energy that you won’t be able to care for your other kids?
  • If your autistic child is comparatively engaged or social or fits suitably in a prevailing preschool program, it might be better to give it a try. On the other hand, if your child seems to require a lot of personalized therapy, homeschooling would be a more beneficial choice.



Questions About Online Therapy

Why Online?

Online therapy is a nontraditional type of therapy that parents with autistic children should consider. Choosing Online therapy isn’t common but could be for the kid. What are its benefits?

Choosing virtual counseling isn’t common but could be for the kid. What are its benefits?

Mental Health Conditions

Can Online Therapy Help?

Living with mental health conditions is tougher than most people can ever fathom. I would know because I had been surrounded by loved ones who suffered from various mental health conditions that made them require traditional therapy.

The first one I encountered was my big brother. He was on the autism spectrum and had licensed clinical social workers around him all the time. My memory was of him crying – no, wailing – loudly in the house because Mom tried to hug him. I learned early from the licensed providers not to make physical contact with my brother unless he opened his arms without prompting.

The second one was my best friend. She did not manifest any symptoms of mental health conditions at the beginning that the licensed clinical social workers talked to me about. In truth, she was one of the smartest pupils in our school. However, it turned out that my best friend had Asperger’s syndrome – another form of autism that made it challenging for her to recognize emotions. While other kids made fun of her as she needed teen counseling and medication management services, I stood beside her and sometimes even fought the bullies for her (without the clinical social workers knowing, of course).

Then, I had a roommate in college with eating disorders. The initial red flag was that she would order buckets of fries and at least a dozen burgers from McDonald’s, and then she would disappear in the bathroom for hours. I only found out when I caught her trying to purge. Still, I did not judge her because of her mental health condition. Teen counseling therapy would have benefited her.

Traditional Therapy Versus Online Therapy

What’s The Difference?

Due to such situations that I found myself in, I thought that being a mental health professional and providing medication management services to people with mental disorders was my calling. These include issues like substance abuse, depression, stress, and even online couples therapy issues. I thought long and hard about what I could do in my life, considering I knew I did not want to lose time with my big brother. After some time, a brilliant idea crossed my mind: online therapy. Essentially, it is talk therapy (and other therapies) conducted through a trusted online counseling platform. You can also think of it as video therapy sessions.

I was already a licensed psychiatrist when I thought of it so I could prescribe medication. I technically had two years of professional experience at the time, but I knew that my heart was not in it. But since I still wanted to help people get affordable counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, virtual therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and other mental health benefits out of an online platform, I began taking lessons and even earned counseling certifications.

This is one of the biggest benefits of online therapy: cheaper costs per session. And this is a big factor because not everyone with a mental health condition can afford in-person care. So it can be a great option for many, especially for those who need unlimited messaging features.

There are several mental health benefits of trying counseling services.

Best Online Counseling Service

BetterHelp is among the best options that offer affordable medical care and mental health crisis services.

Can I Talk To A Counselor Online?

Yes, if you prefer online therapy on chosen sites, you can do them for free. There are platforms like 7 Cups of Tea that offer services such as unlimited messaging at zero cost, knowing that some people who need mental health counselors do not have extra bucks to spare. Some platforms also offer something like a monthly subscription, which is still affordable. After all, you don’t need to drain your health savings account just to schedule appointments for an initial visit or initial consultation, say, for teen counseling or other services.

You don't need to drain your health savings account just to schedule appointments for an initial visit or initial consultation.

How Effective Is Online Therapy For Mental Conditions?

Does It Work?

A virtual provider is practically as good as a licensed assigned marriage and family therapist who performs in-office therapy, face-to-face therapy, or in-person care therapy. It differs insignificantly because the process allows people to talk or chat with the best online services expert whenever they need mental health resources, teen counseling, exposure therapy, or online cognitive behavioral therapy services. This fact has been proven in a 2018 study.

The caveat is that a limited number of mental health services can be offered during online therapy service, even by a licensed mental health professional or psychiatric nurse practitioner. The reviews say the companies have therapists who specialize mainly in providing emotional support for anxiety and mood disorders (e.g., anxiety, depression, phobia, minor eating disorders, etc.). Many of them also allow for unlimited messaging. The thing about unlimited messaging is it can help ease the worries of many people since they know they can rely on someone when they need help. Just the mere act of letting them know about unlimited messaging can assuage some of their worries.

BPD, Eating Disorders, Etc.

If you have a borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, severe eating disorders, or other illnesses that require medication management, a licensed therapist on these platforms may not be suitable for you as they cannot prescribe medication.

How To Become An Online Therapist

All online counseling pros go through the same training from the best programs, whether they choose to offer online therapy services or not. You need to start by getting a master’s degree in counseling. After that, you should do an internship to gain some experience in the field as a mental health professional. It’s only when you complete your hours as an intern that you can apply for a mental health counseling license and then decide to conduct weekly sessions for counseling.

Considering you want to remain one of the online licensed therapists, updating your knowledge on mental health medical care regularly is a must. That’s especially true since we often see mental health advancements in virtual and video therapy programs, online counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, and all therapy services in general.

What do you get out of online therapy services? Are they really helpful for those with depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems?

How Much Do Online Therapists Make?

Online therapy costs approximately $30 per hour of a therapy session on an online therapy program or online therapy platforms like BetterHelp. Though this online therapy cost is considerably lower than what face-to-face therapy experts and other mental health professionals get from giving mental health support through pride counseling sessions, this rate is still higher than what many virtual licensed professional counselors or therapists get. Some may not appreciate its financial assistance. It also depends if you work under best platforms that allow for a monthly subscription or something similar.

Talkspace Or BetterHelp?

It depends on the medium of therapy that you prefer to use. In case you only want unlimited messaging with mental health professionals and to remain anonymous online, you may think that Talkspace online therapy is one of the best online therapy options. However, if you wish to see your counselor through video sessions and also enjoy unlimited messaging, BetterHelp is one of the best online therapy platforms.

Note that both platforms offer unlimited messaging. As I mentioned a bit before, unlimited messaging is something that can help people in their daily lives because unlimited messaging means there is always help available.

Virtual platforms can be possible if you have gadgets like cellphones or tablets. You can get it from the comfort of your home.

Is BetterHelp Worth It?

Yes, BetterHelp is worth the money. Not only does it extend the convenience of getting help without leaving your room, but it also offers a high level of anonymity that you cannot guarantee to obtain when you walk into a counseling facility. You can feel safe knowing your monthly subscription is worth it.

Is Talkspace Or BetterHelp Cheaper?

Talkspace online therapy is cheaper than BetterHelp by at least $10. The reason is that the former offers fewer media of counseling than the latter, but note that both offer unlimited messaging.

Can You Cancel BetterHelp At Any Time?

Yes, you are free to cancel BetterHelp at any time. The online relationship counseling platform does not bind you in any contract that will prevent you from leaving whenever you wish to.

If You Want To Discontinue, Can I Get My Money Back From BetterHelp?

Yes, you can technically get your money back from BetterHelp, provided that their team has investigated your issue with their services and deemed you worthy of getting a partial or full refund. You may send an email to them for further assistance.

How Do I Request A New Counselor, BetterHelp?

Assuming you have already picked the online platform and want to change your licensed marriage, family counseling, and teen counseling experts or switch therapists for affordable online therapy, you can open your profile and click the Change Counselor button. Doing so will show you up to six profiles of different mental health professionals, complete with therapist availability. If none of them works, you may click Find a Therapist again to switch therapists for virtual therapy and video sessions.

Can BetterHelp Write Prescriptions?

No, BetterHelp’s mental health services cannot prescribe medication for you – the online therapy platform can only provide the best online therapy services of 2022. Despite that, BetterHelp partners with Brightside, which dispatches licensed marriage and family therapists, licensed professional therapists, or family therapists who offer mental health services remotely and can prescribe medication. Do not hesitate to inquire about how they can help you, even during the initial consultation or in the following sessions.

Do not hesitate to inquire about how they can help you, even during the initial consultation or in the following sessions.

What Raises Dopamine Naturally?

Your lifestyle choices affect your body’s dopamine production more than anything. Practically speaking, doing too much of anything may be exhilarating at first, but it can make you feel blue later. You need to find balance in your activities to elevate your dopamine level naturally.

Can An Online Therapist Write Prescriptions?

Not exactly, especially if the therapist only has certifications to provide cognitive behavioral therapy. But in case the therapist is also a psychiatrist, they can do that.

Can BetterHelp Diagnose You Online?

Unfortunately, no, BetterHelp cannot conduct mental health diagnoses or prescribe mental health medication to their clients. BetterHelp has licensed marriage and family therapists, family therapists, or licensed professional therapists, but online therapy companies cannot offer a diagnosis without in-person therapy sessions. Sometimes, they can also offer teen counseling services through cognitive behavioral online therapy interaction.

Does Virtual Therapy Accept Insurance?

Not all the time. You’ll have to discuss health insurance portability with your insurance provider’s company. Some companies cover best online therapy health insurance but not all.

blood pressure monitor, health, heart rate, cognitive behavioral therapy cbt, mental health emergency

Conclusion On Online Therapy Service

The challenge that I did not see coming after I pursued best online therapy and  and became a certified licensed therapist was figuring out which online therapy platform to use. Setting up an online therapy website for myself was out of the question, considering I did not have the time and money to do that. I did not want to offer online therapy full-time and in-person or traditional therapy either, given that that would consume too much of my time. Luckily, I eventually found one that could protect my future clients and me from digital crime. The bonus was that I could continue looking after my big brother, who had mental health conditions of his own.

FAQs On Online Therapy Services

  1. Is Virtual Therapy Secure?

  2. Who Are The Best Candidates For Online Counseling?

  3. What Are The Perks Of Free Counseling On The Web?

  4. How Does One Pay For His Counseling Sessions?

  5. Does Couples Therapy Provide Help For Couples?

  6. What Is The Best Online Platform For Therapy?

  7. Where Can I Talk To Someone For Free?

  8. Is Therapy Online Free?

  9. Who Is Not Suitable For Online Therapy?

  10. Is Online Therapy Okay?

  11. Can I Use BetterHelp For Free?

  12. Where Can I Get A Therapist For Free?

  13. Is There A Therapist I Can Text?

  14. Is BetterHelp Legit Now?

  15. What Is The BetterHelp Controversy?

The Impact Of Autism To Family Life



When a child in the family is diagnosed with autism, it doesn’t only transform the life of the child but of the entire family as well. Stress levels are high due to erratic therapy appointments, home treatments, and other problems at work and home. Financial burdens would also come in, as treatment and therapy are quite expensive, and having the option for online therapy helps a lot.

These sources of stress will impact family life in different unfavorable ways. Parents are obliged to care for their autistic child, let alone all their children and the rest of the family. Managing the stress of being parents could build strength in the family and the marriage, but this needs a strong support system and, of course, hard work.

The impact of autism spectrum disorder to parents and families are seen in several ways.

Impact To Marriage. Research reveals that parents who have autistic children had almost 10% changes in filing for divorce than other parents. Marriage stressors may include:

  • Quality time as a couple becomes hard because of the many therapies and doctors’ appointment schedules.
  • Parents usually acknowledge their child’s ASD diagnosis through different means and different times, and this may cause conflict between both of them.
  • It is daunting and frustrating to look for childcare.
  • Financial burdens can cause issues between parents.


Impact Between Siblings. A child diagnosed with having the spectrum also has a big impact on his brother or sister. Siblings also go through a lot of stresses confronted by the rest of the family. Further, parents might not give them sufficient attention and support because their hands are full with commitments for their autistic child. In other families with children with ASD, a more severe type of sibling rivalry is often seen. Some families can overcome these problems if they are in control of the factors that increase their stress and anxiety.

Emotional Impact. Autism spectrum disorder covers many emotional struggles for the entire family, which begins even before the diagnosis and progresses indefinitely. The Pediatrics Journal reported that moms of kids with ASD frequently graded their mental health status has average or poor. Unlike the general population, the level of stress that these moms go through is much higher. Aside from this, parents of children with ASD mostly encounter:

  • Social isolation
  • Shame over their child’s erratic behavior when they are in the public
  • Depression and insecurity over other parents not having to experience what they are going through
  • Guilt from the thought that they might have done something that caused the autism
  • Bitterness towards their child and remorse for feeling bitter
  • Hopelessness because there is no cure for autism

Impact On Finances. A family who has an autistic member is often confronted with heavy financial burdens. The cost of treatments and therapies is usually not covered by private health insurers, which is a bit costly. Parents pay for doctors’ visits and medications, which results in big financial debts. Pediatrics stated that families with ASD children went through almost 15% of loss in their family funds. Full-time jobs become difficult for both parents, so the risk of losing a job is high, severely affecting the family’s financial situation.


A good initial step to solving the problems that arise in families because of autism is gaining more knowledge of how it impacts family members and connections. Counseling can guide parents in learning how to manage communication and marriage problems, autism family therapy can be a big help, while psychotherapy helps tackle the impact of autism mentally and emotionally. They can also try joining support networks where they get to meet fellow parents with autistic kids. On the other hand, parents, too, should take good care of themselves to be efficient caregivers to their children.

How Parents Can Avoid Stress

Undoubtedly, stress is part and parcel of one’s life, but there are still things that parents can do to get rid of stress and be successful in tackling the challenges of having an autistic child.

Be organized. Often, stress is associated with not being in control of things. Being organized is an efficient means to get things and even stress levels manageable. In your everyday life, for instance, concentrate on having things done one at a time. Try practicing family rules and routines and make adjustments for your child with autism. Staying organized can help your child manage their autism in adulthood. You can also try integrating technology in autism education to help alleviate the amount of work you do personally.

Stick to family traditions. Traditions in the family provide a sense of balance amidst stressful times. You may need to make changes to your previous traditions to meet your child’s needs. For instance, your usual long trips on the weekends may need to be done closer to home so that you don’t need to drive long hours, and emergencies can be handled better when you’re not too far away from home.


Take care of yourself. When you have an autistic child, it not uncommon to neglect self-care. However, you can decrease the stress and anxiety in the family by ensuring that all members are given time to do the things that they love to do. Make a list of things that each member’s hobbies or bucket lists and then try to incorporate these and plan on which ones to do next. Remind the family, including you, that fun and happiness are part of one’s daily life.



Autism And Isolation During The Pandemic

There are a lot of misconceptions about how autistic people handle the pandemic situation. Most people believe that individuals with autism love isolation because they often feel the need to be alone. Well, somehow, it is true. However, it does not mean that autistic people do not feel sad and lonely from time to time. Honestly, most of them struggle with that aspect, especially now that they are experiencing heightened social limitations.


Most of the time, it confuses many people, especially those who try their best to understand and accommodate the autistic ones. Often, people leave them alone, thinking they need space. There’s the assumption that autistic individuals prefer it to be that way. Unfortunately, the real problem is that autistic individuals cannot express themselves that well. Most of the time, it is hard for them to convince people to stay by their sides. Autistic individuals are afraid to admit that they do not want to be alone.

But not all autistic individuals are the same. Some can express themselves in a way that others can understand easily. However, it does not guarantee that these people’s mental health will not go down after that. That is because most autistic individuals are not used to change. So when they try and make even simple adjustments on the way they express themselves, many behavioral issues can come out. It is a bit weird how autistic people deal with others because they can show mixed emotions in one particular circumstance. Perhaps that explains why the majority of people entirely want to leave them alone.


The Autistic Life Under Home Quarantine

Autistic people somehow function because they follow specific routines. But now that there’s a global health crisis, everything around them becomes way too challenging. Due to the drastic change, these people force themselves to do things they are not used to. Quite often, even walking outside for a couple of blocks becomes a struggling decision for them. They worry too much that they can no longer feel the desire to be happy at some point.

With this Coronavirus issue where home quarantine is essential, it is a challenging moment for people with autism. Some of them are living on their own, and some are barely seeing anybody. Most of their conversations with other people are through social media and video conferencing platforms. Some spend time chatting, texting, and telephone calls as well. Sometimes, these people do not go out of their homes even if they want to. With the likes of that routine, many people can quickly conclude that it is how autistic people deal with the pandemic situation. But the truth to that is most of these individuals also need company.


The majority of people with autism, though they like to be alone, need some companionship. At some level, being with someone allows them to function well. They can either be in the form of a romantic relationship, friendship, or family. Honestly, as much as they appreciate being away from absolute pressure during this crisis, autistic individuals still need someone in their lives. Yes, they need alone time to be able to prepare themselves in dealing with the unpredictable world outside. However, it does not mean they heed isolation.

Also, people with autism need regular therapy and so it’s a good thing that online therapy apps such as BetterHelp are now available in the time of the pandemic. People with autism don’t need to leave the comfort of their homes to have access to regular therapy. A lot of people have tried and got satisfied with how it turned out.


People should recognize that some individuals cannot handle the stress, anxiety, and loneliness caused by this pandemic. That even if some tell others that they are used to the situation, no one should think that isolation is entirely okay. In times like this, people should spare moments to speak, communicate, and be there for these autistic individuals.

How People With Autism Cope With COVID-19

The spread of COVID-19 is causing extensive disruption to all our lives. But for children with autism, it is twice more damage. It becomes incredibly hard for them to make adjustments, especially in the routine changes. The pressure can lead to an increase in stress, anxiety, and even depression. In unfortunate instances, it can negatively promote challenging behaviors. And for parents and caregivers of children with autism, the whole experience can mean a lot different. The struggle of juggling work and home responsibilities can somehow lead to emotional and mental exhaustion. So to help children and parents deal with the adjustment during this pandemic, here are some of the best things to do.


Establish New Routines

To cope with the disruptions in this time of global health situation, it is useful to establish new routines. No, it does not have to be a total routine make-over because a small and little by little changes are enough to sustain a better function.  These new sets of tasks can help children with autism develop better emotional and mental strength and allows the whole family to avoid stress and anxiety as well. The entire family can begin by adjusting the morning routines and add something from there. Like for example, after waking up, let the kids arrange their beds before they head towards their breakfast. Or allow them to do some 5 to 10 minute stretching before they take a bath. Parents can also use the children’s school schedule as a guideline to add better transitions between activities and breaks.


Transition From School To Home

It is essential to understand that children with autism will not easily comply with the changes in their routines, even if the task only requires a small effort. Regardless of what it is, autistic children will find it stressful and exhausting. During this pandemic time, the biggest challenge for them is not going to school. So for some, the whole experience can cause trauma and unwanted behavior. For others, it will need more than a simple transition. So to be able to arrange impressive progress of transitioning, parents should allow kids to still do what the kids are used to do. These include waking up early, taking a bath, putting on kids’ school uniforms, and even pretend to ride a bus to school. From there, the transition can happen by removing some of the daily school tasks in an alternate process. There should be an alternative activity that will take the spot of the familiar routine.

Aside from school, therapies will also need to transition. Since we need to reduce physical interactions during this time, treatment will shift to online platforms like that of BetterHelp. No need to worry because these platforms employ licensed therapies that are professional and knowledgeable.


Create A School Space At Home

Children with autism love school, and not visiting it for an extended period can negatively affect their emotional and mental behavior. But since there are not many parents who can do due to the pandemic situation, they might as well create a school space at home. It will allow autistic children to feel and experience familiar habits regardless of a different environment. So to accomplish this, parents can try setting up a room that will enable school space activities. They can incorporate some of the children’s preferred classroom by putting up a desk and chairs.  Parents can also copy an educational ambiance by setting up a blackboard, piling up some books, and even arranging art materials inside the room. If possible, parents can also use visual support to help increase children’s understanding. To make it more interesting for kids, parents can allow the children to assist in creating their new school space at home.


Dealing with the life effects of the pandemic is not easy. And for kids with autism experiencing challenging behavior during this time, parents must understand their essential roles in providing what’s best for them.

What People With Autism Want You To Know Before You Date Them 

Dating is not always easy as shown in television and films. After all, media often promulgates stereotypes about different types of people and such are often wrong. This false information creates difficulty when it comes to actual dating: when people’s misconceptions take over their compassion and understanding. Something people often misunderstand is dating individuals with autism. 



  Continue reading What People With Autism Want You To Know Before You Date Them