Ways That Therapy Can Benefit ASD Parents

Source: penpencileraser.com

Parenting a child who is autistic may be one of the most fulfilling yet daunting things that some parents will ever go through. I know because I have been a therapist to one too many kids on the spectrum – and me being a parent of a 10-year-old daughter who is on the spectrum as well.

Many of the people I have helped and guided throughout my practice frequently asked me how I could do it as if I possess some magic weapon or special talent that they do not have. I, too, had my own path in therapy – as an individual in therapy – that enabled me the most and helped me learn the skills, I was required to have to go through this challenge. That personal journey was also the reason why I chose to be the therapist that I am today.

As parents to ASD children, we become proficient at investigating, seeking, and paying all the appropriate therapies for our kids, although we are also inclined to set aside our very own needs. To survive and thrive on this parenting path that we are now navigating, finding professional assistance may be beneficial at one point or another.

Below are some important ways that therapy can benefit parents with children who are on the spectrum.

Parenting Abilities. Parenting an ASD child can be very distinctive from parenting a typical child. Often, there are sensory problems to consider, medical interventions, therapies, safety issues to decide on, and educational choices to make, to name a few. Almost always, these kids also come with mental health conditions and self-management complications. Parents may become confused and tremendously overwhelmed when confronted with everything.

A therapist who is trained and experienced in providing the essentials of ASD families is crucial. This mental health professional can definitely assist parents in learning how to prioritize their needs and lessen the stress and anxiety related to overwhelm. When I talk to couples with ASD kids, I often remind them that an autism diagnosis does not destroy a relationship but rather their reaction to it could.

Source: parentmap.com

Keeping It Strong With Your Partner. Reports have been released that kids with autism have relatively higher marital conflict and divorce rates than typical kids. That definitely comes to no surprise, as problems and stressors are commonly far worse.

Autism spectrum disorder tends to place a vivid light on whatever matters were already existing. A therapist who is aware of the continuous stress that ASD places on the whole family can assist partners in navigating the challenges and other issues while keeping the bond with your partner strong.

Keep in mind, though, that this is not something that happens overnight. It’s a process that takes patience, time, and perseverance. However, the outcomes are worth the wait. I am certain that therapy saved more than half of my marriage.

Adapting To The Diagnosis. The ASD diagnosis itself is frequently devastating for us parents. It can become a demanding process that could take a year or even more, with several consultations with various professionals. Parents are usually confronted with multiple emotions in the entire process, including guilt, fear, extreme worry, and anxiety – and too much time waiting. Numerous parents are told that their kid is not actually on the spectrum, and then you hit the dead end with more queries and answers.

No matter what the result is, truly, the pain and grief are very real. Oftentimes, knowledge of the stages of grief and the acceptance that grief is recurring somehow help parents adapt. Each individual responds differently to grief, and the way one responds has something to do tremendously with what really occurred and whether or not they have handled it efficiently. An individual might require therapeutic management such as EMDR therapy or cognitive restructuring to overcome the pain and overwhelm of the unraveled diagnosis.

Stress Control. Stress plays a suggestive role in the emergence of disease. It literally causes sickness. For us to be healthy, we have to learn ways of controlling or regulating stress effectively. The everyday stress of an ASD parent is tremendous and persistent. A therapist can help by providing a supportive hand and ear, teaching self-care skills, and substantiating parenting efforts. Therapy aims to help a person go through a tough time or be utilized regularly during the parents’ journey. I have been helping several parents place my phone number on speed dial, and others have been in therapy routinely for years while their ASD child is growing up.

Source: discovermagazine.com


Most people agree that we won’t be able to hand an empty glass, that we must don our own oxygen masks to help other people. If you are like me – a parent of an ASD child, therapy can make a big difference in the way you handle this longstanding situation that you’ve been handed. Ultimately, it is a win-win for the whole family.



Therapists’ View On Autistic Children Going To Preschool


Source: yourmedicalinfo.net

If you have the choice of letting your autistic child stay at home just until they are mature enough to attend kindergarten, are you going to do it? Your answer will be dependent upon some vital factors, which include:

  • Your community’s provisions and open-mindedness to an autistic child
  • Your child’s preferences, needs, and challenges
  • The accessibility of school (or out-of-school) therapists at a rate that you can afford
  • The availability of a proper preschool program
  • Your personal capacity and commitment to work hand in hand with your autistic child on learning and developing social interaction skills.

Home School Advantages And Disadvantages

Advantages: Homeschooling can be suitable for preschoolers with the spectrum. It offers a secure and convenient setting that is customized to your child’s requirements, and it can be an appropriate place for tough therapy that is frequently suggested. Sensory input is controllable, and outlooks remain stable throughout the day. Numerous therapists believe that because home is a familiar setting, it is favorable for learning and that parents make the best teachers and therapists.

Play therapies like floor time and Relationship Development Intervention are commonly provided in a natural setting by parents. Specialized schools and facilities might not even have these types of platforms. If you are offering developmental therapy, then the home setting might be the most appropriate choice.

Disadvantages: Conversely, the option of home care and schooling implies that a person, most probably a parent, must be capable and willing to stay with the autistic toddler at home. So the stay-at-home parent is expected to be incapable of having a regular job, as he will not have the energy and the time to work outside of the house when he has spent most of his time caring for the autistic preschooler. In addition, most kids on the spectrum do well in a very predictable and repetitive setup. If you have other kids or an online job, homeschooling may become chaotic, loud, and erratic.

Source: appliedbehavioralanalysisprograms.com

Perhaps the role of a parent as a home teacher or therapist to a child on the spectrum might not be for everybody. The role typically involves being a therapist during the day, dealing with your child’s behaviors and moods outside the home while going to the parks or when shopping, and being a case manager for the numerous medical professionals and therapists that you might now include in your life. Unfortunately, some parents can efficiently handle this type of challenge, but others find it tough, draining, and depressing.

Preschool Advantages And Disadvantages

Advantages: In numerous communities, full or partial-day preschool is accessible and often free to all families. Kids with ASD get academic guidelines as well as some in-school therapy. Many aspects also offer at least some private preschool platforms geared towards kids with special needs. A private preschool might be a good match, depending on your kid’s offerings and needs as well.

Preschools or kindergarten schools also provide a very important benefit to a group of friends and their parents, and that is quite hard to establish from scratch going up if you have a child on the spectrum.

Disadvantages: A preferable preschool setting can be wonderful, but it is also a fact that numerous preschools are far from idyllic. You might notice that your autistic child is getting very little in terms of experience or perhaps having an unpleasant experience. You may realize that the known ‘trained’ personnel are essentially teacher’s assistants who previously attended lectures on Autism Spectrum Disorder. You may also discover that other kids in your child’s circle are less disabled than your child, which makes learning and socializing difficult.

If your autistic child is at a normal preschool, despite early interventions, you might notice that normally developing kids might be less keen to reach out to your child during their school and out-of-school activities and other social events.

Final Thoughts

Source: autismineducation.org.au

Regardless of your option (home school or preschool), it is vital to remember that you have the option to change your decision. In fact, you can even choose to try both. There is no definite right or wrong. The decision you make will relate most especially to your family, your place, and definitely, your child. As you take into account your decision, consider these questions:

  • What does the possible parent think about performing the function of a stay-at-home teacher of an autistic child? Would they probably feel fatigued, overwhelmed, or resentful? Or, otherwise, will they feel eager, energized, or encouraged?
  • Can you afford to have one parent stay home and not have a regular job?
  • What do the rest of your kids need? Will managing an autistic preschooler at home take too much of your time and energy that you won’t be able to care for your other kids?
  • If your autistic child is comparatively engaged or social or fits suitably in a prevailing preschool program, it might be better to give it a try. On the other hand, if your child seems to require a lot of personalized therapy, homeschooling would be a more beneficial choice.